Friday, June 03, 2005


Another go at snorkelling opposite the Jubilee shelter. It was sunny and the water was bearable (though chilly getting in) but the visibility was poor and I didn't see very much - not that there was very much to see, some shore crabs and a few sand eels. Though I was still pretty awkward and my dives weren't very good, I could feel some improvement - and it was a touch longer before I started to get cramps [looking back, it was a very good job I started with those nice flexible fins].

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Learning to Snorkel

My first go with basic kit (fins, mask, and snorkel), was off Teignmouth one evening after work. I tried to pick somwhere good to go in [but it doesn't make any difference if the visibility is poor] and went in opposite the Jubilee shelter. Setting up the aranging the snorkel seemed fiddly; water splashed in easily and it all felt a bit yukky. Somehow I managed some shallow duck dives, and to give myself agonizing muscle cramps. I was in the water for about 20 minutes only, but I knew I would try again and it would get better. There were a few shore crabs here and there on the sand, and feeding on the barnacle encrusted groynes - so that's what they do! Doesn't sound like much but I was entertained and I was quite pleased with the start I'd made.