A return to Babbacombe with Geoff H. Again nicely sheltered the weather was ok for the time of year. Two weeks ago it was dark and gloomy, and when we got out it was lashing down - I kept my undersuit on for the trip home. The visibility too far better this time. In places, before we stirred up the bottom, the vis was 7+ metres. When we arrived there were just a few divers kitting up, and not many more when we left. A few Saturday's back it was full of divers. The cafe was shut and the toilets boarded up (but we still had to pay to park).
We surface swam a short way out then dropped down in about 4-5 metres, Geoff took the blob. We went north and followed the slope down over rocks and a few boulders, gradually getting more reefy. After a short while swimming over a rocky but fairly level bottom I looked up and saw something that looked like a reflection - something not really there - I looked harder and I was amazed to see a John Dory. By now it was sideways on and I could see it clearly. Unfortunately before I could get a decent picture it veered off and was soon gone. I did get some nice pictures of a tompot blenny.
Not long after the Dory, now heading west along the edge of the rocks, I found a huge dogfish - perhaps 1.5 metres (taking into account the optical distortion). We saw a several more during the dive; at one point below a large boulder we counted four huddled together. There were lots of ballan wrasse, corkwing wrasse, a cuckoo wrasse, bib (and others), gobies (sand, two spot), and tompot blennies. Crabs, there were shore, velvet-swimmer, edible; prawns, fan worms (dark brown, white), a plumose anenome, lots of snakelock anenomes, knobbly whelk-type creatures (and many other shells). Lots of sponges all growing fairly flat. Breadcrumb sponges etc,.. a solitary yellow globe sponge.
There was also a lot of junk. A broken fishing pot of some kind, fishing weights, drinks cans, 3/4 old tyres, half a small rowing dingy, a golf ball, (I found a really old bank card last time - haven't tried it yet), and an old boot. Eventually, after turning back and swimming a short way, we arrived at the rocks to the north of the beach and surfaced, not too far from the slipway. Very pleased with a good long dive, with good vis, and lots to see.