Adrian and Grant went in first, Debbie made the decision not to dive, and boathandled - which allowed Chris and I to dive straight away. Shot lift successful after attaching bag to correct shackle and assisting through deck. Vis wasn't too bad at all - about five metres - and water was 7° and [I was quite pleased not to notice the cold - perhaps it was the excitement of diving - perhaps it was my layer of fat]. We had a good look round the holds. Lots of starfish, anenomes, hydroids, and plenty of fish - mainly bib, plus the odd cuckoo wrasse, 2-spot goby.
It was great day out: brilliant to be back in the water, and excellent training and practise.
I was able to try out the Green Magic underwater filter. Cut to size and taped inside Ixus housing. Very promising. I set white balance using my dive slate and colours came out very nice. But quite blurred - need to use higher ISO and need plenty of light (filter must cut out a bit). Discovered that I need to use auto white balance for close-up flash pictures. Picture above has a small amount of colour correction applied.