The weather was perfect, hot and sunny; and visibility excellent, even though we were close to a spring tide. I first had bit of a swim around the sandy west side of the bay enjoying the good visibility and shoals of SSF, then begun to explore the rocky extremities and make my way round to the caves I'd seen on the map. There was also a nice arch here that's good to swim through.
In the submerged gullies going out of the bay there were lots of spider crabs clinging to the sides, and the white shells of very many more piled up on the bottom. Around here I saw a small round jellyfish - perhaps a very small moon-jellyfish, and some wrasse. Found some prawns in one of the caves, and around the arch on the way back a colourful variety of sponges - green, orange, and yellow. This was a really good swim/exploration and I was pleased with the pictures I'd taken. Later, when I got back, there were jet-skiers speeding up and down very close to the beach and between swimmers, sometimes towing or with passengers (I don't think they even noticed people in the water): I later learnt that this is all organised there! If you want a proper swim and are eccentric enough to be outside the rather small yellow-flagged section (however close to the shore) you are in their way. [I don't know if it's like this all the summer, or if it is still like this today]. Otherwise it was really nice- we stayed all day- and people there were very friendly.
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