Jon came with us to Durdle Door. Visibility was very good. Water was very cold. First swim was around Man-o-War Rock and the north side of Durdle Door. Saw some spearfishers around later. Got out, warmed up, had a sandwich, Jon felt the cold very badly (shivering uncontrollably it was highly amusing watching him trying to eat a sandwich) then walked to Bat Hole Cave for a swim around there. I swam back because my feet were so sore from the shingle [I still had full-foot fins]. Around Man-o-War rock there were spider crabs, ballan wrasse, and some orange sponges. Plants - especially sargassam multiculum. Near Bat Hole there was a lot of slimy string weed (which can trap swimmers, and the slime itself is an irritant). Also thongweed, with its bright green, mushroom-shaped holdfast/base and many others. Various types of kelp and lots of c. officinalis. The beaches got very busy about midday. As I was swimming round the end of Durdle Door for a RIB suddenly appeared with a group of lads for tombstoning; so I made my way past and headed in. Jon had gone ahead again, and I was getting tired.
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