A really great swim, it was nice and quiet - no traffic, just a few people later on at the beach. Weather was really settled, dry and bright and the sea was calm. Visibility was excellent. It was neaps and LW was 9.00. I swam 9-11.00, from Anstey's Cove, past Redgate Beach to Long Quarry Point. Plenty to see: there were lots of small wrasse, blenny- dark grey brown and very light brown ones, coral (a. digitatum) on two large overhangs, breadcrumb sponges (green and orange), spider crabs, a moulted one hiding in the sand off Redgate Beach. There were also very many tiny mussels, and sea-mat on the kelps. As for plants there was a lot of kelp, some stringweed and about Anstey's, dark red-brown spindly fern type stuff.
Wore usual kit, and getting cold, mainly becuase of slow going and taking pictures, was very glad of rash vest. Good 2 hour swim. Felt too floaty at times, so considering more weight (4kg) if not swimming far. Deep scatches to little fingers from rocks [which went septic very quickly]. Saw lots of junk from fishing- line off Anstey rocks, weight and hooks in Redgate cove and fishing tripod near Long Quarry Point.
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