A traffic diversion, which I thought might be a April 1st thing, took us in a big loop via Kilmersdon to arrive from the other direction; then getting in took a while. Kitted up and the plan sorted, we were ready to go. On the first dive after doing skills, Julie led according to her plan, making our way to the aeroplane, exploring the aeroplane and carrying out our ascent using the the shot-line located on the tail fin- nice and slow, with a 1 minute safety stop. The stop was fine with 10kg on my belt and 1kg in my BC pocket. Julie did CBL/BLS and tow. At the training platform end of the quay, my exit - stupidly - involved beaching on rock shelf. This was more difficult than it looked and I decided I would probably use the ladder next time. Tea and debrief. I had managed not to swim about all over the place like I had done before; which Nick suggests (and it seems quite probable) that I did because of my snorkelling, in which I swim around a lot and in a way which doesn't suit scuba diving.
Second dive after the skills, followed my plan. We descended alongside a rocky slope to line up with tunnel entrance and followed concrete wall to it (Nick led through tunnel). Very dark and silty. Saw the rubber skeleton tied onto the handline at the end. Up cliff vertically and along to aeroplane - good vis here. Air was 120 bar at this point, so just time for a quick look at aeroplane and industrial dryer which Julie swam through. Again went up shot-line on tail fin - again nice and slow with 1 min safety stop. Surface and underwater swim to place nearer slipway. My turn to do a CBL and rescue. Both practise de-kit. Yasmin was great help again with bits of kit, recording times, and everything else- taking pictures, buying tea, dispensing monies, oh and navigating,..
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