First Wave: Bretagne Buddy pairs were: Clint and Anne, Debbie and Simon, Brian and Susan H. Clint and Brian boathandled.
Brian and Susan went in first followed by Debbie and myself. The water had looked good and we were able to watch Brian and Susan on the first part of their descent. Below 15m however we discovered the visibility was actually fairly poor, perhaps 1.5 to 2 metres. But although the vis wasn't too great I saw a lot and had a very enjoyable and relaxed dive. Arriving on the wreck we discovered our shot was right in the middle - in a hold, towards the stern.
As Debbie oriented us, I could recognise parts of the Bretagne, the hole for the funnel, winches, the coal chutes, collision damage etc. There were lots of big bib, a few bass, some tompot blennies (some of these quite big too), and an edible crab. There was plenty of encrusting life including pink sea fans, anenomes, and lots of dead-mans-fingers. A few clusters of DMF found on a bulkhead near the collision were the more slender, orange bodied variety.
Second Wave: Galicia Buddy pairs were: Terry and Brian, Peter C and Hilary, Geoff M and Sarah M. Clint boathandled.
Third Wave: Galicia Buddy pairs were: Anne and Simon, Grace and Rachel. Clint boathandled
The second wave had reported fairly poor visibility and the sea was getting a bit more lumpy; but it was still doable and the third wave went out. Unfortunately the shot didn't land close to any recognisable part of the wreck and in the poor vis only a relatively small piece (dinner table size) was found. It was located by each buddy pair independently. It had gill net across it and along the sea-bed and it had trapped a row of spider crabs. Grace and Rachel followed the net and found a lobster.
The vis was generally poor but also the sea bed round and about was very silty and easily disturbed. Anne clipped a line to the shot (we had re-located it) for a second attempt at finding the wreck and this made return and ascent more straightforward. A first look at the bottom could have been disappointing, but there was actually lots to see. There were worms and delicate anenomes in the sand; hermit crabs, whelks, a scallop, brittlestars, and some surprisingly large semi-transparent sea-squirts. Again, despite the vis, a very nice dive.
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