Hilary and I splashed first. There was some current and we pulled ourselves longways down the shot. At about 15m the last bit of the shot and stern wreckage loomed into view and Hilary ever so casually landed upright on the bottom and saluted!:)
Vis was about 4m, though a little gloomy, and out came the torches. Off we went to poke about the wreckage. We saw lots of fish: bib, pollack, wrasse (cuckoo, ballan), usual gobies etc,. and several John Dory. An attraction of the stern is the abundance of pink and white plumose anemones, there were some dahlia and plenty of ghost anemones too- all very nice. We did a circuit of stern and found the gun mount (the big wheel thing) and boat davits. Too soon it was time to go and I sent a blob up - I took it for granted it'd be easy as ever with the DSMBi (bottle inflated) - and the line snagged round the reel handle; I let it go before it started to pull me up, and we used Hilarys.
A very nice relaxed dive. It was great to be back in the water!