Sunday, August 10, 2008


Another weekend of moderate/strong SW winds, so choice down to somewhere sheltered (like Babbacombe) again. On the way Derek suggested Brixham; and we got there and put in east of the Breakwater, off the lido (just west of Shoalstone Point). Despite a gloomy warning of 3-4m vis (!) and a "don't" from local dive operator who was there having a look; we had an excellent dive. Vis was good 2-3 metres, and there was an abundance of small life. We spent just over an hour (6m average, 9m max) going along NW and back, below the kelp; where it's interesting and turfy if a bit 'dusty'.

Spiny, long-legged spider-crabs, harbour, velvet swimmer and some small edible crabs, hermit crabs in top, cone, and whelk shells; lots of anemones, sponges, various sea-squirts, small fish, etc,..

Access was easy, it felt especially so after Anstey's the other day; and entry and exit not too bad, just a little rocky. Tides were close to neap and not a problem (otherwise, since there's nowhere good to land to the east - arrange to be with the tide back to exit).

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