Excellent weather (sunny NW breeze) and vis at sheltered Babbacombe. Water a cool °8C. Early start and in the water at 08:00. HW (spring) was about 09:00. Went in with Derek and we headed ~45° from the slip and found Mushroom rock (a mushroom shaped rock) had bit of a look round it. Turfy with sponges and soft coral and small jewel anemones. Lost Derek but found him again easily enough. Then went N a little and W (left). Over some fairly bouldery stuff (below). Velvet swimmer crabs and squat lobsters in crevices. Snakelock anemones. Then over rubble becoming smaller and siltier. Common starfish. A bit further on crossed sand/gravel ridges.
Many hermit crabs; but also lots of masked crabs (carapace 40-60cm) which would scurry about and eventually decide to quickly dig in backwards to escape. Derek found a rockling which he thought was dead. There were some netted whelks on it - and some hermit crabs interested in it - but it 'woke-up' swam about and even had a go at Derek before settling down again and rolling on its side.
We didn't find the anchor this time (though agreed we were probably close). But a solitary orange plumose anemone. I played a bit more with my camera set up - using another layer of green plastic taped over the built in flash to compensate on flash photos for the orange filter. On no-flash 'landscape' pictures I manually set white balance. On flash pictures I just used Auto White Balance. Using custom settings C1 and C2 I could switch from macro to landscape and their particular settings very easily.
We made our way back to mushroom rock. javascript:void(0)Lots of fry about. Had another and closer look at the growth there and the jewel anemones. Up to the wall (our dive time 70 minutes) and surface swam to the slipway. Lots more people about now and the car park full. With the sun in my eyes I strayed onto the green weed and slipped collapsing forward, jarring my shoulder; should be ok. Sorted kit out and had a cup of tea at the cafe enjoying the sun and the sight of the clear blue/green water we had just dived.