With Brian boathandling we cleared the Sound and sped for Eddystone, skimming over wine dark sea, the wind in our hair, filled with anticipation,.. I stared hard at the hazy horizon for a first glimpse of the lighthouse, and eventually, about two thirds the way there I could make it out.
We drew up to the edifice and its stumpy neighbour, the remainder of Smeaton's tower; the workers on the helipad waved to us, and we chugged around looking for a place to drop in. I couldn't believe we were actually there and I took a few snaps so I could prove it later! After all the preparation, getting kit ready and faffing about (and I wasn't even helming or task loaded) it was time to dive :)
I went in with Adrian and we made a free descent to 40m (to achieve my first post-DL depth progression). The vis was amazing (20+ metres), and it was remarkably light even at 40 metres. I tried taking a few pictures but although my G9's case was rated to 40m the buttons didn't work! I took mental pictures and enjoyed the scenery. It was hard to know where to look first, the rocks were plastered with jewel anemones, interspersed with dahlia anemones and many others, as well as fuzzy dead men's fingers, sea fans, massess of hydroids, sea firs, etc,..
It was wonderful. All that was missing were the pink and girlish sea-monkeys of the old comic-book adverts. We turned around and headed back up the rocky slope (at 40m after 10 minutes I had just 1 minute of no-deco remaining). Our ascent took in more lovely scenery, and later I managed to get a few macro shots of hydroids and a nudibranch Archidoris pseudoargus - aka 'sea-lemon' of which we saw several, as well as their abundant coils of spawn.
We took a few pictures of each other, Adrian sent up a blob, and we drifted over some pointy kelp-topped pinacles continuing our ascent. On the surface, and in the boat, stowing kit I knew I had to return!
We picked up Chris and Debbie and returned to Plymouth, riding in the wake of a fast hard boat to help save fuel. We sorted ourselves out and I fetched a bottle for my dive with Harriet at the Mewstone. Also diving in the afternoon were Brian and Hilary, Geoff and Sara M.
We approached Mewstone shortly after a search for swimmers there had been called off and Geoff and Sara got in followed by Harriet and myself. We made a steady and gradual descent to allow Harriet to clear her ears, but after some discomfiture with a neck seal Harriet decided to call the dive. No problem at all with that.
Having used my snorkel (on the surface!) to conserve air I had plenty left to be able to tag along with Hilary and Brian. Visibility around the Mewstone was about 7 metres. It was a bit kelpy but not too bad being early in the year and it was possible to see amongst the holdfasts- edible crab, spiny starfish, purple starfish, boring sponges, urchins, etc.. and a few large wrasse. Brian towed the blob and we swam around over the low reefs and gullies. I was able to experiment with my camera a bit and I got a few pictures of my fellow divers. Shortly after beginning the ascent, I spotted a dogfish!
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