Saturday, June 09, 2007


Good job I did that weight check on Thursday. If I hadn't, today wouldn't have been half as good. I added another 3kg [so 9kg] and was only then able to dive for very brief and shallow dives, 4 metres or so, before bouncing back up. Finning to stay down I used my air up pretty quick.

Weather fine, very calm and clear and getting out sunny. Vis varied, perhaps 3 to 4 metres. Bloom still here, and there was lots of green brown snot, but reasonable. Neap tide, very light winds, and lack of rain all helped. Wetsuit was very warm and comfortable. [Would like it like this one day to go a bit further round and see West Shag Rock or London Bridge].

I swam straight over to East Shag Rock. Lots of sponges like before, and the usual colonists, but couldn't see the round yellow ones or the green jewel anemones. This time however, I saw velvet swimmer crabs, a few very small edible crab, and a few large prawns. The starfish still there and seemed to be as plentiful, around the west side mainly, munching mussels.

Fishes, there were large ballan wrasse (among the kelpy bits and around the reefy bits between), goldsinny wrasse in the crevices, a large mullet, and a docile dogfish that followed me round the rock.

On the way back I picked up a few floating carrier bags and removed some tangling line. Lots of litter on the road, the lay-bys, and beach too. Otherwise a really good early morning swim.

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