Sunday, July 22, 2007


Took the car via Heraklion to Gortys, Phaestos, Hagia Triada, and finally to Matala. It was Sunday so, as we should have expected, it was particularly busy. Anyway for a cool off and quick swim round it was ok. The sand was really really hot and its a good idea to use the boardwalks that run across the beach. Yas discovered that her Croc shoes - a sort of lightweight plastic clog with holes - were good at trapping the burning sand and hurting her feet. My wet wet-suit boots were supremely comfortable however.

Anyway I found her a shady spot near the caves to have a rest and off I went. Further around the headland- it was good to be away from all the beach noise- I found some sponges and a very deep red starfish lodged in a hole. I did a few dives over a ledge near the headland and there masses of those were lots of those brown/black fish with the forked tail fins just hanging about. There was a bit of swell here, but nothing horrible, and I arrived at some big rocks and a nice deep section with a cave, that could have been interesting to explore. There was some bloke spearfishing here, and saw him dive before I started back.

Underwater it had been like Ferma to begin with - very few plants. But although it was early afternoon and despite all the people there were lots of fish about. There were salp, gobies, shanny, and a clutch of decorated wrasse feeding on some broken urchins; the wrasse shortly joined by a tompot blenny. I think there were needlefish too.

Not much else to say about Matala, it's a very popular beach in the summer but is also a nesting site for turtles and their protection society has a kiosk here. It's famous too for the Roman burial chambers cut into the rock that were used by the hippies.

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