Sunday, October 28, 2007


Back to Babbacombe to dive with Geoff H. SW winds much stronger, but still sheltered enough for diving - one of the few places today - and very soon other divers rolled up. It was drizzly (heavy rain to come) and very gloomy. Vis wasn't great, not as good as yesterday in fact, and about 2m. It was also quite dark.

We got ready (I was trying my pony), got in and went NE out along the bouldery sublittoral (>8m), not straying far over the sand. The larger rocks were topped with kelp and around them short red weed and brown silty turf.

There were gobies, ballan wrasse, female cuckoo wrasse, a few mullet, a bib-pout-whiting, and a nice pointy silver one. Lots of prawns under ledges and here and there gently skipping about. Saw a few fan worms - a spectacular white cluster - inevitably as I lifted the camera instantly shot back inside its muddy tube.

I was adjusting my buoyancy more than I should've had to and felt a bit unbalanced by the pony (I've used a pony in that configuration before and it was fine). But it was good practise.

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