Sunday, October 21, 2007


Neap tides and fine sunny weather - ideal for a dive. Sea was a little bit lumpy but Meadfoot beach was reasonably sheltered from the south-easterly wind. Already kitting up when I arrived, I was to join Peter C and Nik. The plan was decided - a short surface swim to get to clear un-churned water then continue south toward Shag Rock. Shortly after setting out and still on the surface - mainly owing to the conditions Nik decided not to dive. The alternative: diving close to the shore would have been unpleasant and totally pointless. Peter and I continued the surface swim and when we'd had enough of the swell descended in about 6m of water and found the visibility to be a reasonable 2-3m. Peter sent up his blob and off we went. I had my compass on a BC strap pull ring and was far easier to use than when on the arm.

We swam over various terrain: sand, shelly sand, pebbly reef, kelpy reef, bare rocky ridges, and around some small, but interesting reefy pinnacles toward the vicinity of Shag Rock. Below ELW and around the reefy parts there was plenty to see. The typical animals: wrasse, gobies, dragonet; hermit, fiddler, edible crabs. One of the first unusual things I found was a very large 6" white sea squirt with a lumpy grooved surface and lobed siphons. Peter later saw a dogfish, I missed that but found a pipefish (see picture) and a pretty colonial ascidian (see the other picture).

We also found a lobster. I managed to get a decent picture - but could have done much better if the Sealife SL960D strobe hadn't let me down once again at a crucial moment. It failed to trigger despite thorough testing and fiddling and having been working surprisingly well for once [note to self: look for a better one].

At 100 bar we headed back - the surge helped us in - and where the vis dropped off again surfaced. A tangle was sorted and we swam in. A really good dive - worth the effort at the beach.

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