Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
London Aquarium / HMS Belfast

Yas, an expert bargain hunter, got some money-off tickets (as well as some incredibly cheap 1st class train tickets) and we went to the London Aquarium and HMS Belfast.
Nice aquarium. Lots of interesting British fish. Great to see a tank of John Dory (minus parasites!) and another with wonderfully grotesque wolf-fish. A nice seashore bit for kids with starfish, anemones etc,.. and large open tank of rays (with a spiny starfish scuttling about) which at feeding time was great to see, as well as friendly knowledgeable staff. I can't remember what the full price was but you could spend a long while there and at the time seemed reasonable. Lots of tropical and jungle fish too (if you're interested in them) and of course the big shark tank.
It was a really hot sunny day and very crowded around the county hall and Westminster Bridge. We walked along the river to the Belfast, and spent the afternoon exploring - you can go pretty well everywhere - inside the gun turrets, up to the bridge, see the engine rooms and boilers; the living spaces, galley, sick bay etc are all fitted out and convincing mannequins give good sketch of life on board. Also various interesting displays and superb model boats :)
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Lots of fish: ballan wrasse, goldsinny wrasse, pipefish, dragonets, tiny silver fish, a tompot blenny, and a very fast garfish type thing. Gravel sea cucumbers and lots lightbulb seas squirts in the rocks below the bridge. Throughout dive plenty of spiny starfish. Some masked crab, hermits, velvet, etc,.. Little bit of a surface swim at the end. A good exercise: as not great vis, doing towing, navigation, and taking a few pics.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Dived in a three with Derek and Lucy. Once Lucy's bouyancy was sorted (needed a little extra weight), we had a very smooth dive. We went out from the beach, and it wasn't long before I spotted a pair of cuttlefish on a bit of reef. I got Derek and Lucy over and fortunately managed to find the cuttlefish again. We watched for a while and got a few pictures.
Later, out over the silty sand, I spotted the anchor (vis was 4-5m) and we had a look at that. Derek went up the line to check location. As the silt cleared I looked for scorpion spider crabs - but couldn't see any this time. Lucy found a long legged spider crab out on the sand. On we went (I think we did bit of a circle) and Lucy found a well camouflaged topknot resting on lump of concrete. Out the water after 70-something minutes, and we stopped at the café for a sausage and egg baguette.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009

Original plan was to dive Ladram, but as we'd done this recently (and good vis there slightly doubtful), decided to go to Babbacombe. Just Derek and myself diving. Vis was reasonable; and as ever lots to see. Found over the gravel ridges a big diamond-shaped flatfish, elongated body.
Lots of hermit crabs, including one covered with live tube worms. Necklace shell, and a 'great' goby, and much other wildlife around the little boulders out on the sand. Later on we found a big rope that had lots of plumose anemones stuck to it. Very pretty with the sun behind. Snake pipefish and two-spot gobies around the weedy stuff closer to shore.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Pentewan (Dive Fest)

On Saturday (after driving down at 04:30) Yas and me went with Jake for long walk along the SW coast path, passing through Goran Haven and Mevagissey. It was very windy, blowing us sideways at times, and with the occasional downpour - but in between, the sun came out and the views were superb. A pair of divers got in at Goran Haven and a bunch went in at Portmellon but even here the water looked a bit churned up.
The evening of the hog roast stayed dry, and there was a bonfire, band etc. The food wasn't amazing; but the atmos jolly, and the Cornish ale I tried very good.
Sunday, the weather was terrible and diving, unsurprisingly, was binned again. We went round the dive show stands, and even made it to one of the talks. Just as well I got tickets in the end; the hog roast was good, the dive show worth a look,.. and we got a free hat.
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Weather fortunately settled enough lately for the vis to be ok here. Was a bit misty as we started off but over the reef - straight out from the beach - it was 5-6 metres. Not as much life immediately apparent, but once we started looking there was plenty to see: solenettes, dragonet, hermit crabs (diogenes pugilator busy fighting), a big sea potato. Some dead dogfish, lying together, gills all chewed up. And a few not dead.
Some nice colourful animal turf, with sea squirts etc, nudi eggs on the outer reefs on the overhangs. On the way back, very pleasant with the sun out, I took some bubble pictures, and found some spotted cowries. I've found shells on beaches and diving, but it was the first time I'd seen live ones.
Good to be here during quiet part of season. Parking reasonable, food and shops to hand. Steep hill from car park could be bit of a slog with 15l and a pony.
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Exmouth Dock
Had IXUS with me, but rubbish replacement battery failed. Went by the overhang a couple of times. Lots of common starfish. Lots of tompots around the boulders to the south and east of the fish quay. Current strong, springly I think it was, and by the end of the dive quite glad I was well weighted.
Monday, May 04, 2009
Saturday, May 02, 2009
James Eagan Layne

Fine weather- apart from some sea mist- but the diving nearly didn't happen. Fortunately we were able to jump start Mir, bringing her alongside the slipway and Adrian's car. The first wave dived the JEL. I went in with Chris and although I was supposed to be leading and had an idea of going along the port side and then off to the stern section, we stayed on top and went through the wreck. But that was fine. With very good vis (8m+), I saw and was able to identify more than usual. Lots of life - as ever, and Chris found a big conger and a cuttlefish. Shortly after reaching the broken down back end Chris said he was cold and to put the blob up.
In the afternoon, I went in with Chris and Les; it was Les' first sea dive in the UK, and an opportunity for me to do a bit of teaching (brief + some of the drills). Debbie stood by with weight. Margaret and Yas were there too watching the proceedings! Then, after negotiating the rocks that shouldn't have been there, we went off for a bit of a potter. During the course of the dive we observed 'very' many species of British macroalgae. There were also a few 2-spot gobies and juvenille ballan wrasse.
A good day.