Fine weather- apart from some sea mist- but the diving nearly didn't happen. Fortunately we were able to jump start Mir, bringing her alongside the slipway and Adrian's car. The first wave dived the JEL. I went in with Chris and although I was supposed to be leading and had an idea of going along the port side and then off to the stern section, we stayed on top and went through the wreck. But that was fine. With very good vis (8m+), I saw and was able to identify more than usual. Lots of life - as ever, and Chris found a big conger and a cuttlefish. Shortly after reaching the broken down back end Chris said he was cold and to put the blob up.
In the afternoon, I went in with Chris and Les; it was Les' first sea dive in the UK, and an opportunity for me to do a bit of teaching (brief + some of the drills). Debbie stood by with weight. Margaret and Yas were there too watching the proceedings! Then, after negotiating the rocks that shouldn't have been there, we went off for a bit of a potter. During the course of the dive we observed 'very' many species of British macroalgae. There were also a few 2-spot gobies and juvenille ballan wrasse.
A good day.
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