North/north-east from slipway with Geoff and Derek. Swam out a little way before dropping down and heading directly to Mushroom Rock. Been here a few times before, it has some nice boulders around it; and the rock itself has a good overhang. Small anemones and sponges (some like melted cheese), hydroids, and a few Dead men's fingers.
Sprats on the way out, plus usual ballan wrasse, gobies, and dragonet. Vis wasn't quite as good as looked from the beach- about 3m, murky and bitty. Had been about 4-5m a few days earlier for Geoff and Derek but most likely rain has messed it up. It wasn't terrible but just seemed bad compared to Salcombe the other weekend!
Carried on N a bit then left along edge of reefy weedy stuff and out over sand and the gravel ridges. No sign of the anchor or the rope (a nice thick piece of rope we found once that was covered with plumose anemones). Saw all the usual crabs, one or two edibles and masked, and lots of velvet, harbour, spiny, long-legged spider, and hermit (with parasitic anemones).
On the way back, I stopped to look at something and when I caught up with my companions they looked a bit different - then I realised I'd found two other divers - so I gave an OK signal and skulked away! I think one of them must have had yellow fins. Anyway I was starting to get lower on air and it was all a bit gloomy, so I sent up a blob and surfaced. Derek's marker was about 15-20 yards away and Geoff surfaced as I reached them. A heavy rain shower as we swam in soon passed and the sun got out.
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