Towing a DSMB we swam straight out to East Shag Rock then bore 120° until the small rock of Thatcher lined up with Orestone. I couldn't see Shag Rock/Daddyhole car park scrub transit. After some re-adjustment, I did a final check on the back-bearing and transit and we dropped down right next to a sloping mound of rock with lots of plumose anemones, dead mens fingers, boring sponges and sea firs.
Round and about in all other directions flatish and silty - deep soft silt, black a few inches down, littered with razor shells, mussels etc,.. with feeding starfish here and there. I sorted myself out and we went off nice and slowly anti-clockwise around the rock - which grew and became more craggy and interesting as we followed it round, to the 3-4 metres stated in South Devon Diver guide.
There were lots of colourful Dahlia, browny Daisy anenomes, and a rich animal turf (with bryozoans, sea-squirts, sponges etc). Wicked looking velvet fiddler crabs, harbour crabs, as well as a few edibles lurked around the base of the rock or perched up the sides. Most remarkable was the number of long-legged spider crabs (scorpion etc,..) I'm not sure of the types, they're a bit similar and can be difficult to tell appart when they're covered with crud. Also a one-armed -and pretty sorry looking- lobster, a small cuttlefish, and a nudibranch I'd not seen before.
There weren't masses of fish around the rock: a few wrasse, a tompot blenny, but lots of dragonet, gobies (inc. leopard spot and what was most likely a giant goby), and a scorpion fish. On the silt were worms, razor-shells, anenomes, brittlestars, netted whelks and hermit crabs.
After a go round the rock we headed north toward the coast. Found a few smaller reefy bits (low vis round one of these) on the way. We got about halfway back before needing to surface and swim the rest of the way, which didn't take very long. We had 75 minutes, max 12m. Wetsuit comfortable.
I thought it was a really good dive and would do it again one day, if I could find it!
Pros: lots of interesting animal life (especially, I reckon, the long legged spider crabs), it's exposed to current, below the kelp, and fairly craggy with a variety of habitats. (12-14m).
Cons: long (600m) swim, would be easy to miss, boat traffic. Requires a buddy with patience and some stamina.
Note: would avoid springs if not diving from boat.
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