Check-out dive. Buddied with Adrian. Zodiac took us to the reef. Superb vis (20m+) and lovely warm blue water. Unicorn fish, butterfly fish, big-eye, painted wrasse; a blue spotted ray, pipefish, and moray. Ulli showed us prawns and nudibranch.
Very nice wreck, upturned hull very encrusted with coral and with lots of soft coral around the gap in the bow. Lots coral feeding. Descent over reef and swim along bottom alongside wreck to the stern. Swam around the propeller and rudder. Then over top and through forward section past boilers.
Re: kit. Weight fine, 10kg good guess with all new factors (would drop to 9kg). 2x12l (aluminium), 3mm long-john type suit and rash-vest. Long time since I'd used the long-johns; and realise now how easy they are to get in an out of!
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